Curriculum and learning at KS3
We offer a broad, balanced curriculum tailored to the needs of each individual learner. Students are constantly challenged to improve and develop their knowledge and skills in a supportive, caring environment. Success is celebrated within and beyond the curriculum so students develop confidence and sense of achievement.
We aim to provide a personalised curriculum which will engage, insure and challenge all our students. There is a strong focus on delivering the core curriculum effectively through the school, with all students studying English, Maths, Science, Religious Education, Physical Education, Creative Arts (music, art, textiles and drama) and Personal Social Health and Citizenship Education at KS3. ICT is a separate subject in our curriculum
Teaching and learning is at the core of all we do. Our aim is to provide the highest quality teaching and learning for our students. We recognise that all students have special skills, abilities and aptitudes and we treat them as individuals. A real strength of our school is our small size—every child is known by every member of staff as individuals, and we work hard to adapt our teaching to fit them. This promotes progress, achievement and enjoyment and fosters independence. We expect students to participate fully in and engage with the learning process, so they become responsible for their own learning and adopt an enquiring approach to their studies. We want our students to become independent, lifelong learners equipped with the knowledge and skills they will need to become successful adults.