On the 18th December, students from Years 7, 8, 9 and 10 took part in our One World Day.
The aim of the day was to explore the meaning of the word, ‘home’ and what it means to different people in our local and wider community.
We developed our skills of empathy by defining the key words of:
We learned that since the time of the Nativity, people have been displaced – In wars, particularly the second World War, through civil wars and natural disasters.
Through role-play, we put ourselves in situations experienced by others who have been forced to escape their homes through conflict, poverty or natural disaster.
We researched the work of three charities: Save the Children, Crisis and Hospice at Home and voted on which charity to donate our Christmas jumper day money to. The successful charity was Hospice at Home.
The day was a huge success and marks the start of a series of upcoming One World Days.
Thank you to all those who took part.
Student feedback on our
‘One World Day’
‘The day reminded me that I am lucky to have everything I own.’
‘The most important thing I learned today was that just because someone is poor, it doesn’t mean they are worth any less than someone who is rich.’
‘I think to improve the day, we should get someone who has been thankful for a charity to come in and explain how the charity makes a difference to people’s lives.’
‘I learned that home is viewed differently among different people. For some it’s a place of comfort, whereas for others, it’s a place of sadness.’
Poem written by Kristen McComish Year 7.
Home is home.
Not a house.
But a home.
It brings hope whenever you feel low.
Home is home.
Not a house.
But a home.
It calls you back if you should go.
Home is home.
Not a house.
But a home
‘To me, home is a safe, loving, comfortable, warm place. However, to a refugee, home is a roof, four walls and a bed. To see this contrast between what seems to be two different worlds is deeply saddening. We take so much for granted, even something as basic as a house may only be a dream for a refugee.’
‘Today, I learned that we should accept everyone, even if you don’t know where they come from because we don’t know what they’ve been through.’
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